
Add new game

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This article explains how to add a new games to SGM. Almost any game that runs with a executable file and commandline can be run under Speed-GM.


Add new game to SGM

  • On SGM navigate to System -> Supported games -> New Game


  • Main

Option Explanation
Name Name of the game.
Abbreviation Abbreviation of the game - It will be used as the repo games files folder name.
Linux executable File to run under Linux distributions. Eg: ./srcds_run
Windows executable File to run under Windows distributions. Eg: srcds_run.exe
Root Directory where you usually find the executable file. Eg: /
Users root Directory from which users will access through the File Manager. Eg: /csgo
Installation path Storage path on which are the game files.


  • Ports

In this tab you can configure the initial game ports from which the new installed game servers will increment one value.


  • Update

In this tab you are allowed to specify If you want to use the SteamCMD tool to update game servers and what command to run.


Command to run

In this filed you just need to spicify the app using the app_update command (supplying a Steam Application ID). To also validate the app, add validate to the command. To download a beta branch, use the -beta <betaname> option – for example, the HLDS beta branch is named beta and the SrcDS beta branch is named prerelease. Some beta branches are protected by a password; to be able to download from them, also add the -betapassword <password> option.



  • +app_update 740 (csgo)
  • +app_set_config 90 mod czero +app_update 90 (czero)
  • +app_set_config 90 mod cstrike +app_update 90 -beta beta validate (cs 1.6)


  • Limits

Option Explanation
Game Server Hostname Tag Advert Tag for the game server.
Action to perform if the tag is not in the hostname As the name implies, what action to perform if the tag is not in the hostname.


  • Maps

Option Explanation
Generate maps list Whether or not to generate a map list file.
Name of the file to create Name of the file to create. Eg: maplist.txt
File format Choose between plain text (Half-Life) or XMl file (Trackmania).
Maps Directory Maps folder seen from game server root directory.
Maps extension Extension of the map files. Eg: bsp


  • Fastdownloads

Check the documentation for the Fastdownloads.


  • Backup

Option Explanation
Enable Backups Whether or not to users can create backups
Backups limits​ Default backups limit for users


  • Statistics

The statistics are generated in partnership with the platform However there is not support for all games at the moment and you should choose the game correctly.

Option Explanation
Generate graphics Whether or not SGM should create statistics graphics.
Game Choose the correct speed-on game.


In addition to statistics, SGM also generates detailed live players tables so that users have a better monitoring experience. It also allows users to kick/ban players. 
In order to get a detailed list of players SGM needs to know where to find the server rcon to execute queries.

Option Explanation
Path for file with rcon Path to the file with the rcon. Eg: /cfg/server.cfg
Rcon Field Game Cvar name. Eg: rcon_password.

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